The Rental Market in Austria
In Austria we have two member organisations, who’s contact information you can find in the right column. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have also collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.
The Private Rental Sector in Austria
There are tree different kinds of rent control in Austria. These three different systems of rent control are relevant for contracts to which the MRG fully applies and if the rent agreement has been concluded since 31 December 1981:
1. The adequate rent (Angemessener Hauptmietzins) limits free market rents depending on size, type, location, maintenance condition and furniture of a dwelling. In general, the adequate rent is relevant in leased property in houses built after 8 May 1945; in flats above 130 m²; in tenancy contracts unlimited in time with rent agreements in written form where the transfer of the rented dwelling has taken place more than one year ago (TenLaw).
2. Category rent (Kategoriemietzins) limits free market rents through classification of dwellings according to their equipment level (standard). Rent agreements which were concluded between 1982 and 1994, and rent agreements which have been concluded since 1 March 1994. For each category a maximum monthly rent is fixed per m².
3. Standard value rent (Richtwertmietzins): Rent greements which have been concluded since 1 March 1994.
For more information, please download our PDF-file about the private rental sector in Austria
Reports and publications
Housing Finance International
The Quarterly Journal of the International Union for Housing Finance, 2009.
Limited-Profit Housing Associations in Austria
By Karl Wurm – Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations, 2007.
By Raimund Hofmann.
The Austrian System of Social Housing Finance
By Dr. Wolfgang Amann and Alexis Mundt, 2006.
The Vienna Model of Housing Provision in Times of Austerity
Dérive Zeitschrift für Stadsforschung, 2012.
Top Six Things to Know About Renting in Austria
Published 2014.
By Vienne Insurance Group, 2009.
Vienna Offers Affordable and Luxurious Housing
By Ryan Holeywell, 2013.
Tenant links about Austria
Housing Research Program
Basic information about Austrian housing, 2003.
Österreichischer Verband Gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen – Revisionsverband
History about public housing in Austria
Changes and Path Dependency in the Social Housing Sector in Austria, France and the Netherlands (1889-2008)