On this page we have collected different papers that provides information about social housing, social housing’s function and opinions about it as a solution for those who are having difficulties with finding accommodation.
Facts about Social Housing
The State of Housing in six Caribbean Countries
By the IDB, Inter-American Development Bank 2016.
Social Housing in Europe
By the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2015.
Social Housing in Germany – Experiences and Current Issues
Published 2015.
Financing Social Housing
Study on six European countries, 2013.
Social Housing in the EU
Published 2013.
We need to Build more Homes – just don’t make them Social Housing
Published by The Telegraph 2013.
Housing Europe Review – CECODHAS 2012
The nuts and bolts of European social housing systems, 2012.
Resident Involvement in Social Housing in the UK and Europe
Published 2012.
Security of Tenure in Social Housing an International Review
Published May 2012.
EU Rethinks role of Social Housing
… And gradually recognises key role of social housing. By EUROPOLITICS 2011.
Financing Social Housing After the Economic Crisis
From CECODHAS 2010.
Bridging the gap Between Social and Market Rented Housing
By Haffner, Hoekstra, Oxley and Van der Heijde, 2009.
Financing Affordable Housing in Europe
By UN Habitat 2009.
History of Social Housing in Austria, France and the Netherlands
Changes and path dependency in the social housing sector in Austria, France and the Netherlands.
Housing Policy and Vulnerable Social Groups
This report was the outcome of a two-year Project carried out by a Group of specialists, whose objective was to take stock of existing work in the field of social housing for vulnerable groups. It complements the report on access to social rights in Europe (2002) and is an integral part of the Council of Europe’s Social Cohesion Strategy. Published by: Council of Europe Publishing. 2008.
Social Housing in Europe (II)
A Review of politics and outcomes. Published by London School of Economics and Political Science, 2008.
Visions for Social Housing – International Perspectives
Published by the Smith Institute 2008. Covers countries: England, Australia, US, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Review of Social, Co-operative and Public Housing
Social Housing in Europe (I)
Edited by K. Scanlon and C. Whitehead, 2007.
An Introduction to Social Housing (in England)
2nd Edition 2005, 270 pages
Author: Paul Reeves
ISBN: 0 7506 63936
Financing Social Housing in France
By J.P Schaefer 2003.