On this page you will find facts about housing in general, but also about housing and health from an environmental point of view. We have categorized these two into one section called “Housing”, and another called “Environmental Health”.
About Housing in General
The Real Estate Professions and National Housing Markets in the European Union
The European Council of Real Estate Professions, 2013.
Landlords in Europe
This analysis is based on the information provided by twelve National Property Owner Associations and brings together details on the rental laws, tax regimes and planning policies which govern the private rented sector in twelce case study countries across Europe, 2013.
Rental Housing – Lessons from International Experience and Policies for Emerging Markets
The World Bank 2013.
Boendesituationen i Europa
Published by Statistiska Centralbyrån – Levnadsförhållanden rapport, 2011.
Household Consumption from a European Perspective
RICS research 2011.
The European Housing Review 2011
Written by Michael Ball – professor of Urban and Property Economics in the School of Real Estate and PLanning (University of Reading). RICS 2011.
OECD – Housing and the Economy
A bird’s Eye view of the OECD housing markets. OECD Economics Department, 2010.
The European Housing Review 2010
Written by Michael Ball – professor of Urban and Property Economics in the School of Real Estate and PLanning (University of Reading). RICS 2010.
Housing Europe Review
Published by CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory, 2007.
International Trends in Housing and Policy Responses
Published by Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2007.
Management of Privatised Housing
By Vincent Gruis, Nico Nieboer, Sasha Tsenkowa – Housing Regeneration and Maintenance, 2007.
The Impact of Housing Market Institutions on Labour Mobility
A European cross-country comparison. CPB Discussion Paper, 2007.
Housing Tenure of Labour Mobility
A comparison across european countries, 2006.
International trends in Housing Tenure and Mortgage Finance
By Kathleen Scanlon and Christine Whitehead – London School of Economics, 2004.
About environmental health
Environmental Health Inequalities in Europe – Implication for Housing and Health
Matthias Braubach, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health.
Environmental Health Inequalities in Europe
World Health Organisation, 2012.
Environmental Burden of Disease Associated with Inadequate Housing
World Health Organisation, 2011.