The rental market in Czech Republic
In czech republich we have a member organisation, who’s contact information you can find in the right column. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have also collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.
The private rental sector in Czech Republic
For information about the private rental sector in Czech Republic, please download our PDF-file about the private rental sector in Czech Republic.
Reports and publications
Housing Reform in the Czech Republic
By Daniela Grabmüllerrová – Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, 2012.
Restitution, Speculation and the Lack of Rental Housing
Published by Sdruzení Nájemníku CR, SON (Union of Tenants, Czech Rep), 2011.
Social Exclusion and Housing in the Czech Republic: Pathways to Permanent Housing
By Martina Mikeszová – Institute of Sociology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2011.
Tenant’s Rights in the Czech Republic
By Ryan Scott, 2009.
The Czech Republic – Country Note
Information about Czech Republic’s Macroeconomic characteristics, mortgage loans and housing finance systems. Also includes a housing sector overview. OECD Workshop, 2002.