The Rental market in Hong Kong
Unfortunately, the IUT does not have any active member organizations in Hong Kong. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.
Reports and publications
Hong Kong: The Facts
Housing, 2008.
Published 2007.
Housing in Figures
Hong Kong Housing Authority, 2013.
The First Step on the Housing Ladder: A Natural Experiment in Hong Kong
Written by Lok Sang Ho (Department of Economics and Center for Public Policy Studies, Lingnan University) and Gary Wai-ching Wong (Centre for Public Policy Studies, Lingnan University), 2009.
The First Step on the Housing Ladder
The Tung Tau Syndrome: The Genealogy of Hong Kong Public Housing
Alan Smart – University of Calgary.