The Rental Market in Hungary
Unfortunately, the IUT does not have any active member organisations in Hungary. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. We also have contact information for different Tenant Unions across Hungary. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.
Reports and Publications
Country paper prepared for the 3rd OECD Workshop on Housing Finance. By Nagyné Erzsébet Vas and Gergely Kiss.
Too Poor to Move, Too Poor to Stay
A report on housing in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia. Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative. 2004.
National Association for Consumer Protection in Hungary
Országos Fogyasztóvédelmi Egyesület
Városligeti fasor 44
HU – 1068 Budapest
Tel: 06-1-4132126