The Rental Market in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, we have a member organisation, whose contact information you can find in the right column. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have also collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.

The Private Rental Sector in Northern Ireland

For more information about the private rental sector in Northern Ireland, please download our PDF-file about the private rental sector in Nothern Ireland.

Reports and Publications

30% Jump in People Seeking Housing Support

Irish Examiner, 2008.

Ireland: Housing Associations Could Take 10,000 Homes off the Market

Published by the Irish Times, 2009.

Ireland´s Rental Sector: Pathways to Secure Occupancy and Affordable Supply

Published by National Economic and Social Development Office, 2015.

National Report for the Republic of Ireland

By Mark Jordan – University of Southampton.

Northern Ireland Housing Market

Review and Perspectives 2009-2012. The Regional Strategic Housing Authority, 2009.

The Roof over our Heads

Published by Stationery Office, Dublin, 2012.

Visions for Social Housing: International Perspectives

Published by the Smith Institute, 2008.

Tenant Links About Northern Ireland

Citizens Information – Private Tenants: Security of Tenure

Combat Poverty

Council for Social Housing in Ireland

Including a general description of Irish housing.

Housing Rights on Ireland (from Threshold)

Irish Council for Social Housing

Poverty Indicator – The Poverty Site

History About Public Housing in Northern Ireland

Irish Home Ownership: Myths and Reality




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