The Rental Market in Norway
In Norway, we have a member organisation, whose contact information you can find in the right column. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have also collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.
The Private Rental Sector in Norway
For more information about the private rental sector in Norway, please download our PDF-file about the private rental sector in Norway.
Reports and publications
Abridged National Report for Norway
By Kåre Lilleholt – University of Oslo.
Analyse av Nordisk Husleielovgivning
Oxford Research 2011 (in Norwegian).
Bridging Conflicts Between Landlords and Tenants – a Pilot Scheme in Norway
Published 2007.
Housing and housing policy in the Nordic Countries
2004, 328 pages
Published by the Nordic Council of Ministers:
Edited by Mr Martti Lujanen
ISBN: 92-893-1027-8, or contact IUT Secretariat
Housing in Norway – What is so Special?
Published by the Global Tenant, 2017.
Information about the Rent Disputes Tribunal, 2010.
Published by Statistics Norway, 2008.
Norway: Rental Market Survey 2007
Published 2007.
Norway: Rental Market Survey 2012
Published 2013.
Norway Relies on the Private Rental Sector
Published by the Global Tenant, 2013.
The Norweigan Housing Model: Homeownership Triumphant
Published by the Global Tenant, 2011.
What is in the Law – What do People Know?
“An investigation about the common knowledge in Norway according to the tenancy act”. By Åsmun Langsether and Hans Christian Sandlie, 2006.
Tenant Links About Norway
Leiboerforeningen – Tall og Fakta om Leiepriser
(in Norweigan).
Lov om husleieavtaler (husleieloven)
(in Norweigan).
Rental Market Survey 2016 – Highest Rents in Oslo
The Tenancy Act –