The rental market in Romania
In Romania, we have a member organisation, whose contact information you can find in the right column. Here, as a service to anyone interested, we have also collected facts and information about the housing market in general, and rental market in particular. Most of the publications and links are based on other sources, and the authors themselves are responsible for that information.
Reports and publications
Country Profiles on the Housing Sector
United Nations publication, 2001.
Designing a new Rental Housing law for Romania
By Wolfgang Amann and Alexis Mundt – Institute for Real Estate, Construction and Housing Ltd, 2010.
Published 2007.
Housing in South Eastern Europe – Solving a Puzzle of Challenges
Council of Europe Development and Bank, and The World Bank, 2003.
By Loan Bejan, Florin Botonogu and Lustin Armasu.
Rental Choice and Housing Policy Realignment in Transition
Post-privatization challenges in Europe and Central Asia Regions, World Bank 2005.
Trends and Progress in Housing Reforms in South Eastern Europe
Published by the Council of Europe Development Bank. By Sasha Tsenkova, 2005.