With the “New Deal for Consumers” package launched in April, the Commission is currently carrying out an ambitious societal outreach and public debate on consumer concerns in the form of the bottom-up National Consumer Dialogues, to listen to and engage with stakeholders from civil society. These Dialogues are a platform where citizens can say what they expect from the New Deal and give their views on the questions that concern them. They have already taken place in 10 Member States.As a follow-up to the Consumer Dialogues, “Les Assises des Consommateurs”, the 2018 Consumer Summit will showcase the results of this outreach and offer the opportunity for debate and conclusions. This event will be organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 28 November, at the EESC premises in Brussels, and will also be web-streamed. “Les Assises des Consommateurs” will bring together the expertise of representatives from the Civil Society, National Authorities, Academia as well as consumer and business organisations and citizens. Being the conclusive event of the National Consumer Dialogues, “Les Assises des Consommateurs” is organised to allow participants from said Dialogues to present the opinions gathered in the National Consumer Dialogues. Finally, “Les Assises des Consommateurs” will provide a platform for tackling the challenges of Consumer Policy in Europe and bring forward the New Deal proposal. Save the date for the 28 November, in Brussels. |