Feantsa newsflash June 2022
June 2022
Welcome to the FEANTSA Flash!
June was filled with exciting events and publications for FEANTSA. We started the month with our annual Policy Conference in Dublin. As the first fully in-person Conference since the pandemic, it was a great success, with more than 300 people attending our range of interesting sessions. The Conference also included an AC meeting, at which we welcomed two new members and one new affiliate member: Caritas Vienna, GISDA, and the City of Odense.
The month continued with the International Social Housing Festival in Helsinki, where the Housing Solutions Platform hosted a session on the “Relationship between housing policy strategy and the reality of social work”. We also hosted a webinar on World Refugee Day on asylum seekers in Europe, moderated by Leilani Farha. To end the month, we celebrated the launch of the 7th Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe, our annual publication with Fondation Abbé Pierre. This year’s edition is focused on evictions, a very important topic in the wake of the pandemic. Read on to find out more about these and other updates on homelessness in Europe.