EAPN: How to ensure the poor don’t pay for Covid-19, from short-term response to an integrated policy
EAPN Online Policy Conference: How to Ensure the poor don’t pay for Covid-19?
From short-term response to an affective Rights-Based Integrated Anti-Poverty Strategy
The conference will present the findings and recommendations of the EAPN study on the impact of COVID19 and the policy responses on people experiencing poverty, including voices from the ground. To discuss how to build on short-term measures addressing immediate impacts of COVID19, to embed an effective integrated strategy to fight poverty, based on strong welfare states (minimum income/social protection/ public and essential services) and quality jobs. To exchange with decision-makers and stakeholders on the way forward to achieve this goal.
Tuesday, 14 July, 14 – 16:30, https://zoom.us/j/95669218