27 March 2023, 15:15- 16:30,
A5E1 Spinelli, European Parliament, Brussels
Opening words
-MEP Kim Van Sparrentak, the Netherlands
-Parthena Hantzaridou, Swedish Presidency Representative, on behalf of EPOCH (tbc)
-Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General of Housing Europe (HSP)
Local projects presenting how they use EU funds:
-Amaral Cunha Vasco, Loan Officer for Poland and Baltic States, EIB Construction of 1300 affordable housing with EFSI support by Poznańskie Towarzystwo Budownictwa Społecznego – Housing Evolutions Hub
-Dieter Breuer The IBWA model – Designing housing solutions by, with, and for homeless citizens – Housing Evolutions Hub, Cologne, Germany
– Jan Milota, The Czech Platform for Social Housing
How can EU funding support cities to transform vacant housing into affordable housing solution?
-Alison Harvey, National Planning Programmes Manager, Heritage Council, Ireland.
-Renaud Payre, Responsible for Housing from the City of Lyon, What role for Cities mobilizing vacant housing for affordable housing?
-Alice Pittini, Research Director Housing Europe, Tackling vacant housing, a recent publication of Housing Europe
Sarah Coupechoux, Fondation Abbé Pierre (HSP)