Be an IUT filmstar
Dear Members and Supporters,
I hope you all had a chance to see IUTs film ”Housing for all”.
We are now producing a second film, which will be used to spread the word about IUT and our work as well as introduction to our forthcoming digital seminars.
We would like many of you to participate in as many parts of the world as possible.
Please send in a short film (your phone can be used to film) with a short personal portrait and briefly say:
- My name is..
- I live in…
- I work with / as …
When filming, please.
Position yourself so that you get light on your face, avoid backlighting.
Get support so that the image is as steady as possible.
Film as closely as possible as the sound will be better.
Then please upload the image via this link:
Please do this as soon a possible and no later than Monday 19th October at 16.00 hrs. And drop me a line to confirm that you have done so. (
We may not have room for all but it would be good if there are enough so that we fill the screen with your pictures.
Many thanks for your help.
Annika Wahlberg
Secretary General
International Union of Tenants
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