Council of Europe: INGOs under lockdown get involved and prepare for the future
The civil society sector has been involved and present on the ground since the beginning of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Civil Society Organisations, activists and volunteers around the World assist the vulnerable population and monitor the respect of fundamental rights and needs related to different contexts and fields of public policies.
The Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe proposes a series of exchanges on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. These exchanges show the sector’s extraordinary adaptation and resilience from which stems the strength of the proposals formulated and carried out by the organisations and their leaders.
The cycle of conversations is initiated by a short video entitled “INGOs under lockdown get involved and prepare for the future”. We invited some INGO members to discuss the impact of the pandemic on their activities, the adaptations made as well the actions and steps which need to be undertaken in order to #BuildBackBetter, to repair the damages but above all to not repeat the mistakes made in the past and build a better future for all, at the European level, by placing it in the global perspective of North-South relations.
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