Rents for council tenants set to go up after government cap cost Kirklees £24m
Council property rents and service charges in Kirklees will go up this year.
In 2020/2021 tenants with homes within the Kirklees Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) can expect to pay an average weekly rent of £70.16 – an increase of 2.7%.
Charges for extra care services will also go up: by 2.7% for night care service and by 2% for intensive housing management.
Garage rents will also increase by 2.7%.
The changes will come into force on April 6 and apply for five years.
The increase follows the introduction in 2016 of a rent cap by the Government, which required social landlords like Kirklees to reduce their rents by 1% each year for four years.
The cumulative impact in lost revenue to Kirklees Council was £24.3m.
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