India: Who will take responsibility for the human tragedy unfolding in democratic India?
One can only hope that every tear shed by every citizen in the last 72 hours is acknowledged by those in power and people are held accountable and punished for their failures.
Tens of thousands of migrant workers are walking on highways from various industrial towns and cities to their villages. They are walking with their children on shoulders, women walking with their precious belongings. But all of them, without exception, are hungry, famished, tired, frustrated, dejected and resigned to their fate. They all spoke in one voice about the failure of their rich employers in providing them with much needed money and food, not to speak of any kind of security of their future.
But they unequivocally voiced their frustration, if not anger, at the failure of the government, both Centre and state, in not taking care of them and leaving them to fend for themselves.
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