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Spring 2023
- Key-vote on the Energy Performance Buildings Directive at the European
Parliament - IUT claims to maintain social safeguardsin the EPBD
- Reforming
the EU electricity markets - Financing projects for homeless through EU
resources - EC establishes energy poverty stakeholder group
Autumn/Winter 2022
Housing and cost of living crisis
Energy Policy
Housing Policies
10 points plan of IUT
see also
Special report: International Tenants’ day
- Celebration of International Tenants’ day 2022
- IUT is calling for a moratorium on evictions, energy price caps and long-term climate allowances for low- and middle-income households
- European Housing Challenges
- Housing Challenges in the Western Balkans
- Selected news on International Tenants’ day:
Special report: European Responsible Housing Awards (ERHA)
- The fourth edition of the European Responsible Housing Awards (ERHA) was celebrated again this year, following the previous edition of 2019.
- Read the report by clicking the link above.
- Read more about ERHA on this page.
Summer 2022
- EU housing minister’s meeting
- IUT claims for the new EED and EPBD
- Solutions for housing affordability
- Initiatives to fight energy poverty
- Housing rights and renovictions
Autumn/Winter 2021
- European Commission proposal claims for ”Minimum Energy Efficiency
Standards” in housing - Get ready for the ERHIN Awards in Helsinki
- IUT at international conferences
- EU consultation on short-term rental
Summer 2021
- The trial against tenant activists in Barcelona
- EU Fit for 55 Package
- EU platform combatting homelessness
- Slovenia takes over EU presidency
Spring 2021
- EP vote on affordable housing wins the day
- EU progressive housing week
- Is Vancouver a city for renters?
- IUT in podcasts, TV and press
- Lisbon tenants’ union 97th-anniversary conference
- International media attention for the Berlin rent cap decision
- EU-Renovation Summit
Autumn/winter 2020
- Berlin rent freeze executed
- EESC opinion ”Universal access to housing” wins a large majority
- EP report ”Access to decent and affordable housing” voted in EP committee
- URBACT-UIA conferences on housing rights and financialization
- International Tenants’ Day 2020 conferences
- Ministers adopt New Leipzig Charter
- EU Renovation Wave- IUT points for 2021 legislation
Summer 2020
- IUT claims for a tenant-friendly EU Green Deal
- EU “Renovation Wave” and “Just Transition Funds”
- German EU presidency: The new Leipzig Charter
- Theme International Tenants’ Day/UN World Habitat Day announced
- The first tenants’ association in Luxembourg established
May 2020
- IUT’s position regarding the Coronavirus crisis and legislation in support of tenants
- The EU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- EU Commission proposes European climate law and consults on the European climate pact
- EU Green Deal Recovery
- EP initiative report “access to decent and affordable housing for all”
- 2020 EU semester country reports
- Curia judgement Airbnb Paris
- European Policy Centre: exploring investment needs and gaps in the housing sector
February 2020
- Housing initiative report of the European Parliament
- Urban Intergroup re-established
- The European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism
- EU Cities Forum Porto 2020-cities implementing the EU housing action plan
- UN report of the special rapporteur for housing
- Referenda in Switzerland and Bavaria
December 2019
- EESC hearing on Social Housing
- Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation and Goethe Institute invite IUT members to the International housing conference in Lisbon
- Integrating the European Pillar of Social Rights and the SDGs in the European Semester
- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 10th Anniversary
- 100th anniversary of Bonn Tenants’ Association
October 2019
- IUT World Conference Vienna
- Celebration of World Habitat Day and International Tenants Day
- CoR on Collaborative Economy
- EU cities and regions week: Who owns our cities?
- Report: The 2019 State of Housing in the EU
- Farewell greetings to François Zutter
Summer 2019
- The European Responsible Housing Awards 2019 Lyon
- Lukas Siebenkotten new President of the German Tenants Union
- EU Parliament starts work
- Milano arch week and Eindhoven urban academy
- IUT debates energy renovation with EU Commissioners Oettinger and Cañete
May 2019
- Swedish Union of Tenants in Brussels
- European Responsible Housing Awards- Jury Meeting
- EESC Hearing on the European Pillar of Social Rights
- Urban Intergroup on Cooperatives
- CoR opinion on energy poverty”
- Alliance against poverty Baden-Württemberg
- Dutch Green Housing Associations in Brussels
- EU Commission presents future proposals 2019-2025
March 2019
- USA and Barcelona evidence: Airbnb counteracts housing affordability
- Energy poverty high on the EU agenda
- Housing First in SPÖ’s EU election campaign
- European Parliament debates tax evasion in real estate transactions
January 2019
- Final Action Plan of the EU partnership for affordable housing
- International conference “Housing for all” in Vienna
- IUT’s contribution to the S&D progressive initiative
- IUT meets in Prague and Biel
- Housing news from the European Semester 2019
Autumn 2018
- EU Partnership for affordable housing in Ljublana
- Tenants Festival in Amersfoort
- IUT at European Youth Parliament
- Wiener Wohnen and Est Metropole Habitat sign ERHIN Code of Conduct
- Alternative rent summit in Berlin
- Housing news from Barcelona
- ERHIN Awards in Lyon: June 6, 2019
Summer 2018
- Ronald Paping becomes housing and finance councillor of the city of Arnhem
- Hearing of the “Dutch Case” at the ECJ
- EU decides new climate targets 2030
- IUT meets in Oslo, Stuttgart and Brussels
April 2018
- Lisbon meeting of the EU housing partnership – special report
- Backlash for national housing bank in Austria
- The new leader of the S&D group in the European Parliament
February 2018
- Berlin Meeting of the IUT working Group “Housing Policy”
- Launch of the EU energy poverty observatory
- EU Commission proposes reform of VAT
- 10th anniversary of the IUT Brussels office
December 2017
- EU Cities Forum in Rotterdam
- EP Committee votes for a 3% modernisation rate
- First report of the EU housing partnership
- EU-council on tenant’s office solar self-generation
October 2017
- Welcome to Annika Wahlberg, the new IUT secretary general
- The IUT working group meets in Brussels
- New housing initiative report in the CoR
- Agreement to EU Pillar of Social Rights
- Statistics-the state of housing in the EU 2017
June 2017
- International Social Housing Festival
- EU partnership for housing in Amsterdam
- Kick-off IUT working group “general housing policy”
- IUT board meeting in Brussels 27/28 April
- German Tenant’s Day 2017 in Magdeburg
- Barcelona invites to an international congress for social housing
April 2017
- The “Dutch Case” Reopened”
- EU energy council
- Role of residents in energy-efficient renovation
- International Social Housing Festival in June
February 2017
- Housing markets comparison: recent OECD – database
- European Holiday Home Association submits complaint at EC about rules for short-term rentals
- The new balance of Powers in the European Parliament
- EP adopts report on the pillar of social rights
December 2016
- European Responsible Housing Awards 2016 – policy meets practice
- Housing conference in the Czech Senate – a new housing law in the starting block
- European Commission issues new energy package – what´s new for tenants?
October 2016
- IUT Brussels moves to a new office in Town – Avenue des Rogations 28
- European Responsible Housing Awards: Jury meeting and final ceremony date – November 23
- Deep renovations: make them affordable! IUT applies for Horizon 2020 programme
- IUT president Sven Bergenstråhle at the international Housing European Conference
- EU Housing partnership meetings in Bratislava and Geneva
- Extraordinary EP Urban Intergroup meeting in Brussels
- IUT is now a full member of the EESC Liaison Group – CSO
- EU parliament on tenant’s self-generation of renewable energies for heating and cooling
- Delegation of Austrian Trade Union for Construction workers in The Hague
June 2016
- IUT at the Berlin Habitat all Conference
- Twin Birthday in Zürixh: 125 years Züricher Mieterverband und 90 years IUT
- IUT board on the European pillar of social rights
- IUT at CNL 100 years Congress
- European Economic and Social Committee: financing services of general interest
- Affordable housing in European cities
- Committee of Regions on SGEI rules
- Energy policy meetings
- The second edition of European Responsible Housing Awards: 61 applications received
April 2016
- IUT at Prague Habitat lll meeting
- Housing Partnership formally launched
- The second edition of European Responsible Housing Awards – call for entries launched!
- Social issues
- European Investment Bank goes for housing
- New National Housing Bank in Austria
- Energy issues
February 2016
- EU urban agenda: moving forward
- EIB loan to Dutch social housing corporation
- Energy efficiency in rental housing, IUT at the Joint Research Center
- HABITAT III regional conference in Prague
- European Parliament working on housing and migration
- Meeting with the new director of DG Competition
- IUT supported by EUROCITIES
December 2015
- Meeting with Hong Kong social NGO
- Vulnerable Consumer Working Group: focus on tenants
- New EU Urban Partnerships 2015-2018 IUT nominated
- Europe housing forum: the need for affordable housing for the Young
- Joining forces with CNL on SGEI
- IUT at SWL sector conference on social housing financing
- IUT at a symposium of German housing cooperatives
- Responsible Housing: support needed for Awards’ second edition
- EP: increasing focus on housing costs
- IUT at Eurocities’ housing and state aid working group- new policy line adopted
- City of Vienna workshop
October 2015
- IUT Meeting with Šefčovič Cabinet: a new approach to energy poverty needed
- IUT as a major stakeholder in the Energy Performance Buildings Directive
- Delegation of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in Brussels
- EC Forum on heating and cooling
- European Parliament puts focus on household costs
- Juncker plan: France uses the money for energy efficiency projects in housing
- New Economic Foundation invites IUT to Copenhagen Conference
- Eurofound workshop on social costs of housing shortages
- TENLAW final conference: broad consensus on “tenure neutrality”
- IUT at USH Congress in Montpellier
- Changes in the IUT Board
- Queen Maxima as a special guest at Dutch and International Tenants’ Day 2015
August 2015
- The new term for the Vulnerable Consumers Working Group
- PBD consultation
- Energy transition- conference of the Swiss Tenants Union in cooperation with the Swiss Energy Foundation
- “Summer package” launched by DG ENER
- Social affairs meeting with Frans Timmermans
- Housing conferences in Scotland and France
- European Federation for Living working on social return on investment
- TTIP and public services
June 2015
- IUT Board sends a clear message to stop unfair evictions
- Vote on TTIP postponed
- German rent brake – the main subject of Deutscher Mietertag 2015
- European Court of Justice decides on “Dutch case”
- 65th Austrian council of cities and Towns on the “Dutch case”
- Stanford law school visits the IUT Brussels office
April 2015
- The state of North Rhine-Westphalia signed European Declaration on Responsible Housing
- Background meeting with Czech MEP on energy efficiency
- TPAS-IUT workshop in Glasgow
- A new strategy for the real estate sector
- Pole Europe: jour fixe with CNL on European issues
- First Commission answer to a request for “Almunia Package” revision
- The Energy Union package: revision of legislation expected by 2016
- EFSI regulation: pushing for the inclusion of social housing
- ECHR judgement on the right to housing against France
January 2015
- European Responsible Housing Initiative: from the EU to the local level
- “Juncker Plan” to boost investment in social housing
- The Housing Reference Group: a stronger link with the EP
October 2014
- International Tenants Day
- A voluntary agreement for responsible housing in Europe
- First edition of the European Responsible Housing Awards
- Junker’s team approved by European Parliament
- Flexible energy targets for 2030
September 2014
- Jean-Claude Juncker unveils new European Commission team
August 2014
- EU elections
- European Commission’s gender balance unlikely to be achieved
- Energy efficiency in Buildings: Member States held in check by Commission
- Open consultations on the EU urban agenda
- Meeting with Neven Mimica – EU Commissioner for Consumer Protection
- International Tenants Day in Brussels on October 6
May 2014
- Country results: a eurosceptic wave?
- ERHIN Project
March 2014
- European Responsible Housing Initiative (ERHIN) – Draft Joint Declaration and Code of Conduct
- Mayors of European Cities present the “Resolution for social housing in Europé”
- EU homelessness strategy
January 2014
- Launch of the European Responsible Housing Awards
- Overview of the Project’s progress
- CSR management, Tenant involvement, Diversity, Partnership with suppliers
- Stakeholders’ view on Responsible Housing
December 2013
- Meeting with Martin Schulz
- CNL demonstrating in Lille
- Responsible Housing – on the way to a joint charter with housing providers
- Increase of income limits in the Netherlands
- Structural funds for housing refurbishment and urban development
- 2 Days of advocacy towards the EU institutions
June and July 2012
- Directive on energy efficiency
- A European Agenda for Social Housing
- Affordable housing for all-policy and implications of shrinking budget
December 2012
- New EU initiatives for Social Housing
- Initiative report of the European Parliament on social housing